• A student does reps inside the UNCG Kaplan Center.

    A student gets some reps in before Friday class at the Kaplan Center.

    Photo credit: Sean Norona

  • UNCG Jackson Library glows orange in the sunset.

    Thursday brought blue skies, even as sunset turned the westward-facing Jackson Library and Elliott University Center orange.

    Photo credit: Martin Kane

  • Two UNCG students crochet.

    Seniors Cameron Taylor and Michaelynn Mendiola are members of Hookups, the knitting and crochet club. They make some progress on their latest work inside the Elliott University Center on Thursday.

    Photo credit: Martin Kane

  • A student walks on a path on the UNCG campus.

    Thursday afternoon was beautiful, and many students enjoyed the fresh air near the Elliott University Center in between classes.

    Photo credit: Jayden Luna

  • View from a bridge at UNCG dormitory building.

    Bridges provide students easy access to parts of campus, including this one near the Margaret C. Moore Building.

    Photo credit: Jayden Luna

  • Intramural soccer players wearing red and yellow bibs fight for the ball

    Thursday’s intramural soccer league championship game featured Can’t Finish (yellow) and Variety (red). Can’t Finish did indeed finish first, winning 2-1.

    Photo credit: Lynn Hey

  • Intramural soccer players wearing red and yellow bibs fight for the ball

    The competitive spirit was on full display Thursday night during the intramural soccer league championship game at UNCG. Can’t Finish (yellow) beat Variety (red) 2-1.

    Photo credit: Lynn Hey

  • A group of UNCG students play jazz on an outdoor stage.

    UNCG Jazz club members jam at Greensboro business Oden Brewing Company every Thursday evening. The free concert draws a large crowd from the University and the local community.

    Photo credit: Lynn Hey

  • UNCG students playing flute and bass.

    The UNCG Jazz Club share their musical passion with the community, thanks to their weekly jams at Oden Brewing Company in Greensboro.

    Photo credit: Lynn Hey

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