Candace Cummings ’18 is an alumna of the Bryan School of Business and Economics and a current MBA student. She shares the fun of the Children’s Festival with daughters Evie and Madison on a beautiful Saturday afternoon.
Photo credit: Martin W. Kane
Garrett Saake ’11 observes as his daughter Calla takes in the Children’s Festival during Homecoming.
Photo credit: Martin W. Kane
Wendolyn Littlejohn, Nursing ’90, and her daughter Jesea Littlejohn, Computer Science ’23, enjoy Homecoming together.
Photo credit: Martin W. Kane
Children play under a colorful parachute provided by the Kinesiology Club as part of Homecoming festivities along Walker Ave.
Photo credit: Lynn Hey
UNCG student group Corazón Folklórico performs a Paraguayan dance called El Pajaro Campana at the Homecoming block party.
Photo credit: Morgan Glover
Vickie Whitt (right), who was voted UNCG Homecoming Royalty in 2019, is pictured with fellow alumna Geneva Cyrus enjoying the Homecoming block party.
Photo credit: Morgan Glover
Assistant Stage Manager and Assistant Director for the spring touring Theatre for Young Audiences production ”Last Stop On Market Street” are hard at work during audition callbacks.
Photo credit: Jianna Moss
School of Theatre students create casts of their own faces for an in-class mask-making project in THR 280: Masks In Performance.
Photo credit: Jianna Moss
Chancellor Gilliam celebrates Homecoming with visiting alumni at various events on campus. He is pictured with UNCG trustee Oita Coleman.