• A young woman laughs as she dances with others in a low lit room.

    A laughing student hits the dance floor with friends in the EUC’s Cone Ballroom on Friday night.

    Photo Credit: Sean Norona

  • Students kick-off Homecoming 2023 with a dance party in Cone Ballroom.

    Students kick-off Homecoming 2023 with a dance party after the bonfire.

    Photo credit: Sean Norona

  • 20 or so young women pose on outdoor stairs of a campus building.

    Tri Sigmas pose on the stairs behind the EUC at the sorority’s “Honey I’m Home” homecoming event.

    Photo Credit: Sean Norona

  • Student dancing in the EUC Cone Ballroom.

    Students enjoyed a Homecoming dance party after the bonfire on Friday evening.

    Photo credit: Sean Norona

  • Group of young women eating at an outdoor table on a fall day.

    It was a beautiful morning for an outdoor brunch at the Tri Sigma’s “Honey I’m Home” homecoming event.

    Photo Credit: Sean Norona

  • A group of women is seated at outdoor tables with fall trees in the background and white and yellow balloons in the foreground.

    Tri Sigmas mingle with alumni and enjoy breakfast together in the fountain area behind the EUC at their “Honey I’m Home” brunch event on Saturday of homecoming weekend.

    Photo Credit: Sean Norona

  • A young woman seated at an outdoor table laughs with others she's sharing lunch with.

    A Tri Sigma sister laughs as she enjoys lunch with alumni and active members at the sorority’s “Honey I’m Home” homecoming brunch event at the fountain area behind the EUC on Saturday.

    Photo Credit:  Sean Norona

  • The 2023 homecoming bonfire

    Flames rise from the 2023 Homecoming bonfire on Friday night.

    Photo credit: Martin Kane

  • Staff ready with hoses to keep the bonfire under control

    Spartan Staff keeping the Homecoming Bonfire under control.

    Photo Credit: Martin Kane

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