• UNCG students bend over a table while working on a project.

    Students w

  • A UNCG student eats lunch outside and works on his laptop.

    A UNCG student gets some work done while eating lunch outside at the Moran Commons and Plaza on Wednesday. Photo credit: Naomi Toledo Roa

  • Image, taken from a distance, of students walking in front of the library.

    Students walk in front of Walter Clinton Jackson Library between classes. Photo credit: Jayden Luna

  • UNCG student carves an arrowhead.

    In the Graham Building on Wednesday, James Cone a senior anthropology students is flint knapping to create an arrowhead from volcanic glass. It’s for the Student Anthropological Society Anthro Club, for which he is the president. Photo credit: Lynn Hey

  • A UNCG student holds up an arrowhead.

    Senior James Cone, president of the Student Anthropological Society, shows off an arrowhead he’s made from volcanic glass in the Graham Building on Wednesday. Photo credit: Lynn Hey

  • Student stands in front of a projector screen, holding a violin in one hand. In the other hand, he points at a presentation with a violin bow.

    Math Club president, Kenny Banks, gives a presentation about how music majors use mathematics. Photo credit: Anita Shahrier

  • Fall leaves lie on a brick walkway with names carved into the bricks.

    The Graduate Walk – cutting across College Avenue to Spring Garden Street and Foust Park – honors alumni and their years at the University. The first of the fall leaves have begun to cover it. Photo credit: Lynn Hey

  • UNCG staffmember Leon Brown moves garbage bins outside.

    For four years, Leon Brown has taken care of the Moore Humanities & Research Administration (MHRA) Building, doing whatever is needed, including greeting and giving directions. Photo credit: Lynn Hey

  • Lecturer Geoffrey Hughes leads his Introduction to Biological Anthropology class through the Greensboro Science Center on Wednesday.

    Lecturer Geoffrey Hughes leads his Introduction to Biological Anthropology class through the Greensboro Science Center on Wednesday. Photo credit: Martin Kane

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